Ok let's continue again the myspace html codes on CSS Commands for Background edit.
background-attachment - To determine whether a background image is fixed to a certain place on the page, or whether it will scroll with the page.
fixed - Makes background image fixed within the window and the text will scroll over the image, but image will keep not moving.
scroll - it's the default value - If there's no value is supplied, browsers will default to a property of scroll - It will makes the background image scrolling with the page.
background-image - Will assigns an image to the background of an element.
Note: url("http://....") - It was required for the URL to the image being used as a background.
background-color - It used to apply a color to the background of an item.
rgb(red, green, blue) - It's the easiest way to get an exact color for MySpace Html Codes. Color ranges are between 0 and 255 based oon it's RGB value. There will be over 16 millions different combinations choices of colour when combine between the three this results.
#RRGGBB - It's the hexadecimal color code that similar to the rgb() property, but uses a base16 number system. The valid color ranges are from 00 up to FF which gives in a total of 255 different combinations per color, thus giving you over 16 million combinations.
Named colors - This can be used too, but are not usually used. They can include such colors as gold or lightblue but it don't offer control that using one of the above to methods offer.
background-position - To position the background image defined by background-image.
bottom - The background image will be placed at the bottom of either the page, or the browser window, based on fixed or scroll background-attachment.
top - The background image will be placed at the top of either the page, or the browser window, based on fixed or scroll background-attachment.
left - The background image will be placed at the left of either the page, or the browser window, based on fixed or scroll background-attachment
right - The background image will be placed at the right of either the page, or the browser window, based on fixed or scroll background-attachment
center - The background image will be placed at the center of either the page, or the browser window, based on fixed or scroll background-attachment
Proper syntax: background-position: horizontal vertical;
background-repeat - To determine how a background image will repeat itself through a page.
repeat - Tiles background image across entire page.
no-repeat - It only allows for one background image to display through out the entire page element.
repeat-x - Tiles the background image in a horizontal direction page only.
repeat-y - Tiles the background image in a vertical direction page only.
background - To compress all above commands into one command for ease of entry.
Proper syntax: background: background-attachment background-color background-image background-repeat background-position;
Other important command is the colorbackground-color. The difference between the two is that color applies to the text of a page, and background-color only applies to the color of the backgrounds.
For the last, let's examine the piece of myspace html codes we were putting of till the end. Let's named the height : 10px; piece.
In CSS, anything that is defined as a block-level element can be assigned a height.
The easiest way to describe what a block level element is "Block-level element's typically contain inline elements and other block level elements. When it visually rendered, the block level element's ussually begin with a new line.
‘block-level element’?” One of the easiest ways to describe what a block level element is “Block-level elements typically contain inline elements and other block-level elements. When rendered visually, block-level elements usually begin on a new line.” A list of block-level elements can be found here.
I hope this myspace html codes could be helpfull and easy to follow.
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Myspace Html Codes part 2
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