Add Video To Your MySpace HTML Code

To add video to your Myspace Web, first you you can visit a site
like and then
use the search box to find a video by someone you like.

After you have find one your most favourite video to add, click the
generate code button and copy the HTML code into your 'About Me' area of myspace
and it will display the video screen in your page.

Below is some sample code from the top 40 list for a Beyonce video:

<div align=center><embed type='application/x-mplayer2' autosize='true'
autostart='true' src=''
width='300' height='260' ShowControls='1' ShowStatusBar='0' loop='true' EnableContextMenu='0'
DisplaySize='1' pluginspage=''>

</embed><br><b><font size=+1>Check On It</font></b><br>By

<a href='' target=_blank></a></div>

You can just paste that html code of any video you find on the bandcodes site
into your Myspace HTML Codes webpages. Or you can use Myspace Video Downloader

Access Myspace Bypassing Firewall Using Proxy

How to access Myspace by proxy through your school’s firewall?
For simple method, here you can try to access MySpace that blocked by your school admin via firewall through Proxify, Anonymizer or try other proxy services by searching on Google

Does it work? Still hard to access Myspace at school? Try below :

1.Find and some webspace. Actually there are lots of free hosting out there or pay a few bucks, just find out where you can host a website through your internet service provider (most providers give you a bit of webspace free).

2.Install proxy servers

3. Remove all instances of the word Proxy - it is a “blacklist word” that is filtered by good firewalls

4. Test surf to MySpace through your new proxy server

5. Don’t expose this to all your friends, or you will got more trouble by your school principle.

Vtunnel also work quite well as a proxy for accessing myspace, even in your school.

How Myspace Beats Google

MySpace has surpassed Google as they currently ranked as the number three web site of the world, in terms of page views and user time online, just behind Yahoo and MSN (source: comScore Media Metrix).
Now Myspace has 45,579,475 registered users (as of 12.28.2005), and increasing at 160,000 people per day, receives 12.5 billion page views per month and known as website that transforming today's popular culture and digital lifestyle. Myspace achieve it just in two years of operations in Tom Anderson hand as the President and Chris DeWolfe, the CEO.

Table taken from comScore Media Metrix with object All Persons at U.S. Home/Work/College-University Locations.

With statistics numbers like that, Myspace can launch a multi-billion dollar IPO, and Intermix Media as the owner of Myspace in early 2005 were positioning MySpace to be the Cinderella IPO of 2006.
By September 30, 2005, however, in one of the most nimble, noncompetitive acquisitions ever, Fox Interactive Media, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of News Corporation, bagged MySpace (and its parent company, Intermix Media) for just $629 million (including the buy out of preferred shareholders and unvested stock options).

Although MySpace is mixing it up with the giants on the Internet, Intermix, the Myspace parent's company was slogging through a series of scandals in the summer of 2005. When News Corporation came calling in May 2005, Intermix Media had just been slapped with a lawsuit for AdWare and SpyWare by Eliot Spitzer's office and the Intermix market capitalization had sunk to $137 million. In light of the lawsuit, lack of investor confidence and reduced cash position of Intermix, the News Corporation offer of $629 million was considered by many financial professionals at the time to be generous. According to Jim Moglia, Executive Managing Director, Harris Nesbitt, "Having a stable bidder at a price that was high for the time was a good deal."

And since MySpace acquisitioned by Fox Interactive, Inc., which was never named in the Adware/Spyware lawsuit, has continued to be on a tear, expanding its services, adding new users in the core advertising demographic of 16-34 year olds, and attracting those users to spend more time online.

Will MySpace be the Mother Lode Rupert Murdoch has been searching for to attract more investors to News Corp.? Will answering to the "man" kill the independent spirit that attracted teens and bands to MySpace in the first place? Can the co-founders of MySpace, who have taken the company from zero to 160 employees and from zero to 45 million registered users in just two years, hope to compete with experienced executives like Terry Semel (CEO, Yahoo!) and Eric Schmidt (CEO, Google)?

Adding Pictures To Your Myspace Page

Before you want to add pictures to your Myspace site by modifying your
Myspace Html Codes, you need to understand that the picture or song must already
be uploaded somewhere on the internet. allows you to add pictures to your profile in the left hand column,
but if you want to add pictures to the main body of your page, you are going
to have to have to simply choose a picture that is already somewhere on the
internet (or upload them to a free hosting site)

To put a picture in the body tag, you will need to use the IMG HTML

Here is a sample image tag that will embed a picture in your myspace webpage:

You can add pictures to your profile from any site you find on the internet
simply by using the image url withing the IMG tag.

Let's say you wanted a picture of Angelina Jolie.You could do a Google image
search for "Angelina Jolie"

You might find this:

You will notice that that is a complete url to a JPG image that is already on
the internet.

So to add it to your myspace about me area, you might simply add some
html code like this:

My favourite hot celebrities<br><br>

<IMG SRC="">

This would embed the picture from the site into your myspace page.

Notice the <br> tags. Those stand for line break. Will add 1 line of space
between the text and the picture. You can use these anywhere you want spacing.

How To Add Video To Your MySpace HTML Code page

To add video, you can visit a site like and then use the search box to find a video by someone you like.

When you find one you want, click the generate code button and copy the Myspace HTML code into your 'About Me' area of myspace and it will display the video screen in your page.

Below is some sample code from the top 40 list for a Beyonce video:

<div align="center"><embed pluginspage="" src="" width="300" height="260" type="application/x-mplayer2" displaysize="1" enablecontextmenu="0" loop="true" showstatusbar="0" showcontrols="1" autostart="true" autosize="true">
<b><span style="font-size:+1;">Check On It</span></b>
By Beyonce

<a href="" target="_blank">MySpace Html Codes</a></div>

You can just paste that (or any video you find on the bandcodes site into your Myspace webpages.

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